Voter ID Card Photo Change: Follow these steps to change the photo on Voter ID Card, it will be updated in just a few days.

Voter ID Card Photo Change: Follow these steps to change the photo on Voter ID Card, it will be updated in just a few days.
Voter ID Card Photo Change: Follow these steps to change the photo on Voter ID Card, it will be updated in just a few days.
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Voter ID Card is one of the important documents issued by the government. People carry it with them for the purpose of registering their identity. You can update the photo on your Voter ID card through online medium. For this you will have to follow some steps. Let us know about it in detail.

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Voter ID Card issued by the government is one of the important documents. People carry it with them for the purpose of registering their identity. However, after the introduction of Aadhar Card, its importance has decreased slightly.

It is still used as a general proof of identity, address and age for other purposes such as applying for a passport. In this article we will know how the photo on the Voter ID card can be updated.

Update image on Voter ID card like this

You can update the photo on your Voter ID card through online medium. For this you will have to follow some steps. Come, let us know them sequentially-

  • First of all go to the official website of your state voter service.
  • Select Correction of entries in electoral roll option.
  • Select Form 8 and the form will open automatically.
  • You will be asked to select the name of the state, assembly and the constituency you belong to.
  • Fill in all other information in the form like your full name, part number, serial number and photo ID number.
  • Now click on Photograph option.
  • You will be asked to fill your name, address and voter ID card number.
  • Enter your date of birth, gender, mother and husband’s name.
  • Now upload your recent passport size photo.
  • Once you upload the photo, you will be asked to enter your email ID, phone number and location name.
  • Enter the date you are submitting this request.
  • Enter the date the request was submitted.
  • You will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number and email ID.
  • The corrections made will be visible to you in the next voter list or scrutiny after 30 days.

In this way you can make amendments in your Voter ID.

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