Vande Bharat vs Shatabdi vs Double Decker, what is the best to go to Delhi-Jaipur, decide by looking at the fare-time here

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Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the new Vande Bharat between Delhi-Jupari. This train completes the journey from Delhi Cantt to Jaipur in about 3.30 hours. Already 2 premium trains Ajmer Shatabdi and Delhi-Jaipur Double Decker are operated on this route. Both these trains are also very fast. Of course, these trains will not be able to reach Jaipur before Vande Bharat, but is the difference in their travel time enough to justify Vande Bharat’s higher fares?

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Today we will answer this question. Here we will compare the travel time and fare of all the three trains, on the basis of which you will be able to easily decide which train will be easier and less expensive for you to reach Jaipur from Delhi.

Vande Bharat

Vande Bharat Express runs from Delhi Cantt and reaches Ajmer via Jaipur. It leaves Delhi at 6.40 in the evening and reaches Jaipur at 10.05 in the night. Vande Bharat completes this journey in 3.25 minutes. Vande Bharat’s executive class ticket for April 20 is 1845 and AC chair car is 1050 rupees.

Ajmer Shatabdi

is also departed from Delhi Cantt. It leaves Delhi at 6.40 am and reaches Jaipur at 10.45 pm. In this, the AC chair car fare is Rs 725 and the executive class fare is Rs 1340. This train takes 4.05 minutes to reach at its destination. This time is 40 minutes more than Vande Bharat. Whereas, the executive class fare is Rs 505 less than Vande Bharat.

Double Decker

Its executive class fare is the lowest among all three. Its ticket is Rs.1165. Whereas, the fare of AC chair car is only Rs 490. This train departs from Delhi Cantt at 5:52 PM and reaches Jaipur at 10:00 PM. This train takes approximately 4 hours 10 minutes to reach Jaipur and reaches there 5 minutes before Vande Bharat due to opening earlier. This train takes 45 minutes more than Vande Bharat to reach Jaipur.

Vande Bharat and Double Decker are the best options to travel from Delhi to Jaipur in the evening with a difference of 45 minutes . Now you have to decide whether you would like to pay Rs 680 extra to save 45 minutes. While the time to reach Jaipur at night is almost the same for both the trains.

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