UPI Payment Rule: Major changes in GPay, PhonePe and UPI transactions, now you too should not make this mistake…

UPI new Service Update
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With the increasing use of digital payments in the country, UPI (Unified Payments Interface) has made transactions even more convenient. But now from February, some important changes have been made in this service.

The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has issued an important circular, which has given information about the new rules related to UPI ID. According to these rules, no financial transactions can be done through UPI ID with special characters from February 1, 2025.

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From February 1, a new rule has come into effect for all financial transactions related to UPI. Now only alphanumeric letters (AZ, az, 0-9) can be used in UPI ID. This means that UPI IDs made up of special characters like @, #, %, $ will no longer be valid. If you have used any such ID, it will no longer be eligible for transactions through UPI.

Why did NPCI take this step?

This step has been taken with the aim of making UPI transactions simple and secure. Earlier too, NPCI had suggested alphanumeric ID for UPI ID, but some banks and payment companies were ignoring it. Now, NPCI has decided to take strict action against non-compliance of this rule. Implementation of these new instructions will ensure a better and more secure payment experience for both the UPI user and the bank.

What do you have to do?

If you are still using any special symbols like @, #, %, $ etc. in your UPI ID, then you will need to change it. Failure to do so may result in your UPI ID being blocked for financial transactions. Therefore, you will have to make your ID alphanumeric, so that you can make transactions without any hassle.

This change is being made with the aim of making UPI more secure and user-friendly. If you had added any special symbols to your UPI ID till now, this is the deadline for you to change it properly.


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