UP Police Constable Exam City Slip released, download link

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UPP Exam City download, Sarkari Result, Direct Link: The exam city intimation slip of UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam has been released on uppbpb.gov.in.

Candidates can download the exam city intimation slip by visiting https://ctcp24.com/uppbpbcst23/loginpage.aspx.

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UPP Exam City download, Direct Link: The Exam City Intimation Slip of UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam has been released on uppbpb.gov.in. Candidates can download the Exam City Intimation Slip by visiting uppbpb.gov.in or https://ctcp24.com/uppbpbcst23/loginpage.aspx by entering their registration number and date of birth. Candidates should not consider this as the admit card.

Admit cards for the written examination will be issued on the board’s website 3 days before the date fixed for the candidate’s examination. If any candidate faces any problem in downloading the Exam City Intimation Slip, he can contact 8867786192 or 9773790762. The UP Police Recruitment Exam will be held at 1174 centers in 67 districts. The UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam will be held on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 August in two shifts every day from 10 am to 12 noon and from 3 pm to 5 pm. That is, this recruitment exam will be conducted in a total of 10 shifts. Through this exam, 60244 constable posts will be recruited in UP Police.

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You can download it with these steps

Firstly visit the official website of UP Police Recruitment Board, uppbpb.gov.in.

-Click on the active link of City Slip on the home page of the website.

– After this enter the login credentials (registration number, date of birth) and submit.

-The exam city slip will open on the screen, from where you can download it.

You will have to download two copies of the admit card

This time, the roadways bus service will be free to go to the UP Police Recruitment Examination Centre. Candidates travelling by bus will have to download two extra copies of their admit card and give one copy to the bus conductor for travelling to the district of the examination centre and the other copy to the bus conductor for travelling to their district after the examination. Therefore, two extra copies of the admit card will have to be taken out separately.

Come 2 hours early, the gates will close half an hour early

Reach the exam center 2 hours before the exam starts. Bring your admit card, Aadhaar card or identity card (e-Aadhaar, DL, passport), black or blue ball pen. The gates will be closed 30 minutes before the exam starts. Entry will not be given after this. Candidates who have not mentioned Aadhaar number in their application form must report to the exam center 2 hours before the exam so that their verification can be done within the stipulated time.

Exam City Intimation Slip Direct Link

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