UP Constable Bharti 2024 Age limit: Relaxation in age limit in one more recruitment, see complete information

UP Constable Bharti
UP Constable Bharti
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UP Constable Bharti 2024 Age limit Relaxation: Recruitment is going on for 60244 posts of constable in UP Police. Here, another recruitment of Constable Civil Police and Constable PAC was already going on in UP Police under sports quota.

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For which the last date of application was extended till January 15. Now Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has announced to give another relief to the candidates in recruitment. It is noteworthy that after the demand of the candidates for 60244 constable recruitment, age relaxation of 3 years was given. Now it has been announced to give relaxation in age limit for sports quota recruitment also.

According to the new notice issued by UPPBPB, relaxation in the minimum age limit of 2 years and maximum age limit of 5 years will be given in the said recruitment. Let us tell you that in the notification, the age limit for recruitment was fixed at 18 to 22 years.

There is a chance for them

Let us tell you that a total of 546 posts are to be filled through UP Police Constable Sports Quota Recruitment. These include 350 posts for men and 196 posts for women. Players skilled in volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis and many other sports can apply for the posts. In these sports, it is mandatory for the candidate to participate in sports events ranging from national level to inter state, inter university and national school level. Apart from this, the candidate must have passed 12th.

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