UIDAI’s new service started, sitting at home, find out which mobile number and email ID is linked with Aadhaar

How to Update mobile number in Your Aadhaar card Online ?
How to Update mobile number in Your Aadhaar card Online ?
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UIDAI Update: Now you can easily verify which mobile number and email ID is linked with your Aadhaar. UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has announced to start a new facility for citizens, in which residents will be able to verify their mobile number and email ID.

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In fact, these things had come to the notice of UIDAI that Aadhaar card holders do not know which mobile number is linked with their Aadhaar. In such a situation, citizens are worried that the OTP coming on Aadhaar is not going to any other mobile number. But due to this facility of UIDAI, Aadhaar holders will be able to easily check which mobile number is linked with their Aadhaar.

To verify the mobile number and email ID, one has to visit the official website of UIDAI https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in or mAadhaar app and click on verify email/mobile number. With this, citizens will be able to know which mobile number or email ID is linked with their Aadhaar. If any other number is linked with Aadhaar, it can be easily traced and Aadhaar card holders will be able to update their numbers.

If the mobile is already verified then a message will appear that the mobile number entered is already verified in our records. If a citizen does not know which mobile number he/she had given during enrollment for Aadhaar, then he/she can verify it by entering the last three digits of the mobile number by visiting the Myaadhaar portal or mAadhaar app and going to the Verify Aadhaar feature.

If citizens want to link or update email or mobile number with their Aadhaar, then they have to visit the Aadhaar center.

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