UIDAI released new update, Aadhaar related work can now be done for free till 14th December

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Aadhar: Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has given good news to Aadhar users. Now the last date for free updating of Aadhaar has again been extended by 3 months.

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Meaning Aadhaar users will now be able to update information in Aadhaar for free till December 2023. At present, this deadline was ending on 14 September. According to the circular issued by the Aadhaar Authority on 6 September 2023, more and more citizens are being provided free of cost service to update their documents in Aadhaar.

Now the service has been extended for 3 months to update the information for free. Now it has been decided to extend this service by 3 months i.e. from 15 September 2023 to 14 December.

According to the decision of the Aadhaar Authority (UIDAI), the service of updating the document through myAadhaar portal https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/ will be given free of cost till 14 December. Apart from this, 10 years old Aadhaar holders are also being asked to update their information. According to the Aadhaar website, it is necessary to update Aadhaar for the accuracy of demographic information.

Aadhaar authority has said that free document update can be done online at https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in. For updating by visiting CSC or Aadhaar center, a charge of Rs 25 will have to be paid.

How to upload address proof in aadhaar for free

First of all go to https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/.

After this login and select the option to update name/gender/date of birth and address.

Now click on the option of Update Aadhaar Online.

Select the address from the list of demographic options and click on the ‘Aadhar Update Proceed’ option.

Upload the scanned copy of address proof and provide necessary demographic information.

Now a Service Request Number ie SRN will be generated. Note it down. Your address will be updated after verification.

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