Travel Without Visa-Passport: You can go abroad without Visa-Passport, entry in these countries for Indians

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Most of the people wish to go on a foreign trip during the summer holidays. But it requires a lot of paperwork. Today we will tell you about some countries where you can go without visa-passport. Only Indians got this special facility. There are some countries where passport is required but visa is not required at all.

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Bhutan is the best place to enjoy beautiful mountains and nature. Visa-passport is not required to go here. You can go by both road and air. Here the work is also done by showing the voter ID card. If you are taking children, do not forget to take birth certificate or school ID card with you.

Like Bhutan, visa-passport is not necessary in the neighboring country Nepal too. You can go here by road, train or air. There are many flights from Delhi to the capital Kathmandu. Here you will have to show only such a certificate, which shows that you are an Indian. You can go here and admire the beautiful litigants. Nepal is the best tourist destination when it comes to low cost travel.

Passport is necessary to go here but visa is not mandatory. You can stay in Mauritius without a visa for a maximum of 90 days. It is a very beautiful tourist destination and millions of people visit here every year.

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It is not necessary to take a visa to visit this beautiful country located on the Caribbean island. You can stay here comfortably without visa for 90 days. The government of this country has made arrangements for the Indians.

If you can spend some more money then Indonesia can be a beautiful destination. Visa is not required to go here. Yes, passport has to be shown. If you want to stay for a long time then you have to take visa otherwise not.

If you are an Indian then you need passport in 58 countries but visa is not required. In these, beautiful countries like Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Macao, Cambodia, Kenya, Myanmar, Qatar, Uganda, Iran, Seychelles and Zimbabwe can be visited.

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