Train Ticket Cancellation Charges: Is your train ticket cancelled? First know how much charge will be deducted by Railways on which ticket and how much refund will be given.

Indian Railways Rule
Indian Railways Rule
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Train Ticket Cancellation Charges: Do you know how much refund you will get if you have to cancel your train ticket? How much money will be deducted? Does IRCTC refund the full amount? Let us know everything about this.

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If your ticket is still in RAC and waiting list even after charting and you cancel your ticket 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the train, then a cancellation charge of Rs 60 will be levied in sleeper class. Whereas there will be a reduction of Rs 65 in AC class. The remaining money will be refunded.

4 hour rule for confirmed tickets

If your ticket is confirmed and suddenly the journey gets cancelled, then you have to be very careful regarding the ticket cancellation charge. Because, according to the rules of cancellation of railway tickets, special care is taken about timing during cancellation of confirmed tickets. If the ticket is confirmed and you are not able to cancel the ticket before 4 hours of the scheduled departure time of the train, then no refund will be given from the Railways.

What are the rules for cancellation of confirmed tickets?

  • Cancellation charge of Rs 60 per passenger in General Class (2S) will have to be paid 48 hours before the departure time of the train.
  • There will be a reduction of Rs 120 in sleeper class.
  • A charge of Rs 180 will be deducted for AC chair car and third AC.
  • There will be a reduction of Rs 200 in Second AC, Rs 240 in First AC and Executive class. GST will also be applicable.
  • GST is not charged on any sleeper class ticket, whereas Railways charges GST on AC class tickets.

How much will be the cut?

  • In case of confirmed train tickets, if the ticket is canceled within 48 hours and up to 12 hours before the scheduled departure time, 25% of the total amount will be deducted.
  • If the ticket is canceled between 4 hours and 12 hours before the scheduled departure time of the train, half of the ticket amount i.e. 50% will be deducted.
  • If you are not able to cancel your ticket 4 hours before the scheduled departure time of the train, then you will not get a single penny of refund.
  • Waitlist and RAC tickets must be canceled 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the train. Otherwise you will not get a refund.
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