Traffic Challan: High security number plate is necessary on vehicles, otherwise heavy fine will be imposed

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Traffic Challan: The Central Government had given instructions to install high security registration plate (HSRP) in vehicles. For this, the government had also issued a notification in December 2018.

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It said that it is necessary to impose HSRP on commercial and non-commercial buildings built or registered after April 1, 2019. It is necessary to install it in both two wheeler and four wheeler vehicles. Meanwhile, time has been given till June 28 to install HSRP in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. After this the challans of the vehicles can be deducted. In such a situation, the pockets of the vehicle owners may become loose.

Strict action can be taken against the vehicle owners caught during checking. Vehicles not affixing HSRP number plates can be fined up to Rs 5000.

Know what is HSRP number plate

HSRP number plates are aluminum plates fitted on vehicles. In which the Ashoka Chakra in blue color hologram is on the top-left corner of the plate. In addition, a special 10-digit PIN, with “India” written at a 45-degree angle and India’s International Registration Identification Code “IND” is branded below the Ashoka Chakra hologram. It costs around Rs 500 for two-wheelers (Rs 400 + Rs 100 for color sticker) and Rs 1,200 for four-wheelers (Rs 1,100 + Rs 100 for color sticker, depending on the vehicle category).

Campaign will start in Kanpur

People who have not yet installed number plates on their vehicles in Kanpur city of Uttar Pradesh. He has been given a chance till June 28. A strict campaign will be launched against those who do not install its number plates. People will also be invoiced in this.

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