Toll tax reduced: Good news! Tax reduced on Panipat-Rohtak National Highway, check new rates

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Chandigarh. The news of relief has come for the people of Delhi, Haryana and Punjab. If you travel from Panipat-Rohtak National, then you will not have to pay much money for toll (Panipat Rohtak Toll Price) at the plaza located in Dahar village. The National Highway Authority of India has reduced the toll rates on this toll plaza and the new rates have come into force from today.

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Abhishek, the manager of Dahar toll plaza, said that the National Highway Authority has reduced the rates of toll tax and it has been implemented from 26 February. On April 1, 2022, the rates of toll tax were increased on the toll plaza, which was strongly opposed by the common people and farmers.

Toll tax reduced significantly

Earlier, the revised rates were issued on Friday night. According to the new rate, now vehicles like cars, jeeps and vans on the Panipat-Rohtak National Highway will cost Rs 60 for one way and Rs 90 for both the sides. Whereas earlier 100 and 155 rupees had to be paid.

Commercial vehicles also got relief

NHAI has also given relief to commercial vehicles passing through this toll. Earlier, light commercial vehicles and minibuses had to pay Rs 160 for one way and Rs 235 for both ways at this toll plaza located on the Panipat-Rohtak National Highway, which has now come down to Rs 100 for one way and Rs 150 for both. Are. At the same time, bus and truck drivers had to pay Rs 320 for one way and Rs 480 for both sides, which has now been reduced to Rs 205 and Rs 310.

The rates of commercial vehicles with three axles have also been reduced. Now these vehicles will have to pay Rs 225 on one side and Rs 340 on both sides. Apart from this, JCB and multi axle will have to pay toll tax of Rs 325 for one side and Rs 490 for both sides. Apart from this, new toll rates have also been issued for other vehicles.


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