Toll receipts Benefits! Keep the National Highway toll receipts safely, You will get these facilities for free

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Today we will tell you some such benefits of toll receipts that you will definitely keep them safe from now on. Often when you walk on the National Highway with your vehicle, at the toll booths, you are given receipts in exchange for the fixed amount to continue the journey.

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Not only can you travel with these, but there are many benefits of these receipts as well. So keep these receipts carefully. At least till the time your journey continues. If you have lost your receipts then you will be deprived of these benefits. Because the receipt you get by paying money on these tolls, there are many benefits as well as continuing the journey by crossing the toll gates. Let’s know about them….

These facilities will be available free of cost.

On the receipt you get after paying the money at the National Highway tollbooth, you will get one to four phone numbers on the front or back side of the receipt. These phone numbers are of helpline, crane service, ambulance service and petrol service. National Highways Authority of India also provides all these services to you in lieu of taking toll fee during the journey. You will also find these four numbers on the National Highway Authority of India site

Response is received immediately

The good thing is that all these helpline numbers are picked up immediately. Immediate help is provided. If you have any kind of problem on the way, then call the National Highway Authority’s helpline number 1033. or 108. Will get help immediately. This service continues continuously for twenty-four hours.

Medical emergency number

Often a situation of medical emergency also arises during the journey on the National Highway. That means you or the people traveling with you can get sick. In this case, call the medical emergency phone number given next to the receipt or on the other side. The ambulance should arrive within 10 minutes of your call. The helpline number of National Highways Authority providing ambulance is 8577051000 and 7237999911. This facility is absolutely free. Calling on this, the ambulance reaches the spot immediately.

Petrol Helpline Number

If suddenly due to any reason your vehicle runs out of fuel, then there is nothing to worry about. You park the vehicle on the side of the road. Call the helpline number or the petrol number given on the receipt. You will be supplied 5 or 10 liters of petrol or diesel as soon as possible. Yes, the amount of this fuel will have to be paid. Petrol helpline number is 8577051000, 7237999944.

Crane helpline number

if there is any fault in the car or vehicle during the journey. If it stops, a helpline of the National Highway will provide immediate help. She will reach you on her vehicle with a mechanic. The facility of bringing the mechanic is free but the mechanic will definitely charge for the fault in your car or vehicle. If the problem cannot be resolved there, then the vehicle will be lifted by a crane and taken to the nearest service center. This helpline number of National Highway Authority is 8577051000, 7237999955.

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