Telecom Act: Telecom Bill is being implemented from today, there is a provision of three years jail

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Today, from June 26, the Telecom Act 2023 is going to be partially implemented. Partially means that the rules of some sections of this law will come into force. The Telecom Act 2023 will replace the old regulatory framework of the existing Indian Telegraph Act (1885), Wireless Telegraphy Act (1933) and Telegraph Wire (Illegal Possession) Act (1950).

From today, the provisions of sections 1, 2, 10 to 30, 42 to 44, 46, 47, 50 to 58, 61 and 62 of the Act will also come into force. According to the notification issued by the government, the government can take control of telecom services on the basis of security, public order or prevention of crimes. Apart from this, strict provisions have also been made regarding SIM cards in this Act.

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Highlights of Telecom Bill 2023

There are strict provisions in the bill to stop the issuance of fake SIM cards. Any kind of SIM card fraud will attract a jail term of three years and a fine. Under the bill, there is also a provision of a jail term of up to three years or a fine of up to Rs 50 lakh for selling, buying and using fake SIM cards. Biometric data will be taken for selling the SIM and only after that the SIM will be issued. There is a fine of Rs 50,000 for having more than 9 SIM cards on one identity card. There is a fine of up to Rs 2 lakh for doing the same thing for the second time.

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Copying SIM is a crime

Cloning a SIM card or misusing someone else’s SIM card will now come under the category of a punishable crime. Let us tell you that many cases of SIM card cloning are coming to light in the country. Every day people’s SIM cards are being cloned and money is being withdrawn from people’s accounts.

Do not disturb

Telecom companies will have to give the user the option to register for DND (Do-Not-Disturb) service. Apart from this, users will also get the option to complain about such messages.

In case of emergency, the government will take over all networks

According to the notification issued by the government, the government can take control of telecom services on the grounds of security, public order or prevention of crimes. According to the Act, in an emergency, any telecom company that wants to establish or operate a telecom network, provide services or keep proportionate equipment must be authorized by the government.

New way of allocation of spectrum for satellite broadband service

The allocation of spectrum for satellite broadband service will now be done administratively, that is, it will not be auctioned. Apart from this, now spectrum will also be given to companies outside the country, although the country’s telecom companies do not want this. The new bill has cleared the way for Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet to enter India. Under this, the first list of spectrum to be allocated includes 19 services, Global Personal Satellite Communication, National Long Distance and International Long Distance Services, Mobile Satellite Services, VSAT, In-Flight and Maritime Connectivity.

Call tapping crime

Accessing data of telecom network without permission, tapping or recording calls will be considered a crime. There can be a punishment of three years for this.

Permission to send promotional messages

Changes have also been made regarding promotional messages in the new bill. Telecom companies will have to take permission from the government before sending promotional messages.

Parts will have to be purchased only from companies licensed by the government
In view of national security matters, telecom companies will have to procure their equipment only from trusted sources identified by the government.

Strict laws regarding DND

If a user keeps the DND service on, he should not receive such messages or calls and if the rule is violated, action will be taken. The proposals also prohibit such communications that violate the rules of telecom regulator Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on commercial messages based on customer preferences.


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