SSY, PPF account holders should complete this work by 31st March, otherwise there will be big loss.

SSY, PPF account holders should complete this work by 31st March, otherwise there will be big loss.
SSY, PPF account holders should complete this work by 31st March, otherwise there will be big loss.
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PPF and SSY Deadline: PPF and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account holders are required to complete the work by 31st March. If you do not do this, you may suffer financial loss.

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PPF and SSY Deadline: The financial year 2023-24 is in its last stages. In such a situation, if you are an investor in Public Provident Fund or Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account, then there is important news for you. It is necessary to complete an important task related to these accounts in the next four days. Otherwise you may suffer a big loss later. If you have not invested in your PPF account and SSY account this financial year, then complete this work as soon as possible.

Account will be frozen
If you do not invest in your PPF and SSY account by March 31, 2024, your account will be frozen. After this, to reopen this account in the second financial year, you will have to pay a penalty along with the minimum balance. Complete this work before the beginning of the new financial year.

How much to invest in PPF account
Public Provident Fund or PPF scheme is a long-term savings scheme. In this you can invest money for a total of 15 years. Under the scheme, the account holder can invest from Rs 500 to a maximum of Rs 1.50 lakh in a financial year. The government is offering 7.10 percent interest rate on the amount deposited in PPF account. In such a situation, if you have not invested even a single rupee in this account in this financial year, then complete this work as soon as possible. If you fail to deposit the minimum amount in this financial year, you will have to pay a penalty of Rs 50 every year.

Invest this much in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account
Under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, you can invest for the secure future of your daughter. Under this scheme, account holders can invest from Rs 250 to Rs 1.50 lakh every year. This is a government supported scheme under which the government is offering 8.20 percent interest rate on deposits. After the girl completes 21 years of age, she can withdraw the deposited amount. If you fail to deposit at least Rs 250 in this account, then you will have to pay a penalty of Rs 50 along with the minimum balance in the next financial year.

EPFO KYC: Updating e-KYC in EPFO is very easy, know its easy step by step process.

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