Special facility ! Villagers get special facility to exchange 2000 notes, no need to go to bank

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2000 Note: On the evening of May 19, when the Reserve Bank of India has decided to withdraw the 2000 rupee note, then there are many questions in the minds of the people regarding this matter.

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The most important question among these is that where and how these notes will be changed. RBI has clarified that from May 23, every citizen can go to any bank in the country and get 2000 notes exchanged. But there is no facility of banks in remote areas of the country, in such a situation, the Reserve Bank has made special arrangements for the rural population.

Due to this special facility of RBI, the villagers will not have to run towards the banks in the cities to exchange 2000 notes. They can easily get these notes changed by staying in the villages. Let us know how this will be possible.

Apart from the bank , the rural 2000 notes reached at the Business Correspondent Center
can also be exchanged at the Business Correspondent Center. These centers are located in villages and small towns. If you live in a village, you can easily exchange the 2000 note by visiting the Business Correspondent Center. The Reserve Bank has given this information in response to common questions regarding exchange of 2000 notes.

Business Correspondent Center is an extended branch of the bank branch providing financial and banking services to the customers in unbanked areas like villages and small towns. In 2006, the RBI permitted the use of non-bank intermediaries such as Business Correspondent Centers or Business Facilitators.

RBI fixed the exchange limit

The Reserve Bank of India said that the account holder can exchange Rs 2000 notes through the Business Correspondent Center with a limit of Rs 4000 in a day. However, for this it is necessary to have a bank account whereas it is not necessary to have a bank account to exchange 2000 rupee note in any bank branch.

The Reserve Bank has said that any citizen can exchange Rs 2,000 notes from any bank at a time up to a limit of Rs 20,000. It is not necessary to have a bank account for this. The system of exchange of notes will be free and no person will have to pay any charge for this.


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