Special Bank FDs Closing: 4 special FD schemes offering the highest interest rate are going to be closed soon, check Details

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A good investor should not miss the opportunity to make huge profits with a guarantee by investing in the special FD scheme of banks. In fact, banks are running special FD schemes for fixed tenure with higher interest rates than regular fixed deposits.

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4 special FD schemes offering the highest interest rate are going to close soon. In such a situation, if you want to invest with more profit, then investing in these 4 schemes can prove to be beneficial.

Investment in HDFC Bank Senior Citizen Care FD till July 7

HDFC Bank started Senior Citizen Care FD in May 2020. In this special FD, the bank offers 0.25% interest rate in addition to the existing 0.50% on investments below Rs 5 crore. The bank is giving 7.75% interest rate on this scheme for a period ranging from five years to ten years. Senior Citizen Care FD will expire on July 7, 2023.

SBI Amrit Kalash Investment Date till June 30

State Bank of India’s 400 days special FD scheme SBI Amrit Kalash offers investors a higher rate of interest than other FDs. The bank has fixed the last date for investment in SBI Amrit Kalash Deposit Scheme as June 30, 2023. According to SBI’s website, 7.10% interest rate is being given to general investors on Amrit Kalash, a special deposit scheme of 400 days tenure. Whereas, senior citizens are eligible for an interest rate of 7.60% on investing in this scheme. According to SBI, investors can invest in Amrit Kalash scheme from 12 April 2023 to 30 June 2023.

Investment in SBI WeCare till June 30

SBI is operating the SBI WeCare Deposit Scheme to help senior citizens protect their income. The investment tenure in this special VCare Deposit scheme is 5 years and 10 years. The bank is offering interest at the rate of 7.50 per cent to the investors of SBI Vcare. Customers can invest till June 30, 2023 on this special investment scheme of State Bank of India.

Investment in Indian Bank Special FD Indian Bank is running Ind Super 400 Days Special Fixed Deposit Scheme for its customers till 30th June . Indian Bank is giving an interest rate of 7.25% on investment to the general public on this FD scheme. Whereas, an interest rate of 7.75 per cent has been offered to senior citizens.

On the other hand, if very senior citizens invest in Ind Super 400 Days Special Fixed Deposit Scheme, then they will be given 8.00% interest rate. According to the bank, the last date for investing in this scheme is 30 June 2023.

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