SBI Online Service: Many types of services related to banking have been made online in the country.
In such a situation, where the crowd of customers has reduced in banks, now many types of work have also become easier. In this sequence, State Bank of India, the largest public sector bank, has announced a good news for its customers. Actually, now there will be no need for the customers to come to the bank for the account statement. The bank has made this service completely online.
Now if you need your account statement then you can get it sitting at home. For this, the bank has issued some numbers on which you will have to register a request by calling. Account statement will be sent to your mobile phone through e-mail as soon as you raise the request.
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How to get account statement
To get account statement on phone sitting at home, you have to call SBI Contact Center. For this, the bank has issued toll free numbers. You can call on any toll free number 1800 1234 or 1800 2100. After making the call, you have to press 1 to get the account balance and transaction details. After this enter the last 4 digits of your bank account number.
In the next step, you will have to press 2 to get the account statement, after which you will be asked to select the statement period. As soon as you select the period of the statement, it will be sent to your email ID by the account assistant bank.