Rules Changes From April 1, 2023: Complete this important work before March 31, these big changes are going to happen in April

PF Withdrawal
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There are many changes at the beginning of every month. These changes affect the common man’s pocket as well as his everyday life. There are still 20 days left for the month of March to end.

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In such a situation, there are many important works which you must complete before March 31. Many major changes are going to happen from April 1, 2023 (Rules Changes From April 1, 2023). You may face problems if you do not complete the important work in March. At the same time, your budget can also be affected by this.

These changes include many things ranging from Aadhaar-PAN link to gas cylinder prices and bank holidays etc. It is very important for you to know in advance about these changes going to happen from April 1. With this you can complete all your work before 31 March 2023. After this you will not have to worry about these changes.

Change in rules for buying gold

If you are planning to buy gold, then know that it is going to change from April 1. According to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, after March 31, 2023, jewelery bearing the four-digit Hallmark Unique Identification (HUID) as hallmark will not be sold. From April 1, 2023, only jewelery with a six-digit hallmark sign will be sold. The Consumer Ministry said that this decision has been taken regarding the confusion of 4 and 6 digit hallmarking.

Link pan card with Aadhaar

If you have not yet linked PAN card with Aadhaar, then do it immediately. If you do not do this, your PAN card will be junk. SEBI has announced that the last date to link PAN card with Aadhaar is March 31, 2023. Otherwise, the PAN card will become useless.

Gas Prices

Gas prices change on the first of every month. However, there was no change in the prices of gas in February. But in this month i.e. March, the price of LPG gas cylinder had increased. LPG cylinder prices have increased by Rs 50. The price of domestic gas cylinder was increased by Rs 50 and that of commercial cylinder by Rs 350. In the last two years, the price of LPG gas cylinder has increased by Rs 284.

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