RBI New rule: You can pay your credit card bill overdue without any penalty, know rules immediately

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Nowadays most people use credit cards. Through credit card you can make payment without worrying about the balance. Credit cards are easy to use and also have many benefits. 

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Let us tell you that there is a due date for paying the credit card bill. After the bill is issued, you have to pay the bill by that date. If you do not do this, you have to pay the penalty and there is a risk of bad credit score.

Many times people forget to pay the credit card bill on the due date. In such a situation, they are afraid of getting bad credit score. However, even after the due date, you get the facility to pay the credit card bill without penalty and your credit score does not get affected. Let us know what RBI rules say about this.

Last year, the Reserve Bank had implemented a new rule regarding credit card bill payment. In which provision has been made for bill payment without penalty even after the due date of bill payment. According to this rule, the credit card holder can pay the credit card bill without penalty for 3 days even after the due date, that is, if you have forgotten to pay your credit card bill on the due date, then in the next 3 days without extra money You can pay the given bills.

Credit score will not be affected for 3 days, according to the rules of the Reserve Bank, if you pay your credit card bill for the next 3 days after the due date, then you will neither have to pay any penalty nor will it affect your credit score. . In such a situation, if you forget to pay the credit card bill on due date in a month or the money is not arranged on time, then you will not have to worry for 3 days.

If you do not pay the credit card bill even after 3 days of the due date, then the company will charge you a penalty The amount of penalty depends on your credit card bill. If your bill is high then you will have to pay more penalty and if it is less then accordingly less penalty will get your work done.

For example, State Bank charges a penalty of Rs 400 on a bill of Rs 500 to Rs 1,000. At the same time, it charges a penalty of Rs 750 for an amount of Rs 1,000 to 10,000 and Rs 950 for a bill of Rs 10,000 to 25,000.

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