Ration Distribution Timing: Government announced! Changed the time of getting free ration, the shop will open from this morning

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Free Ration Policy: If you also take wheat and rice under the government’s free ration scheme, then a big update has come. Changes have been made in the time of getting ration from the government.

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You will be at loss if there is a delay in taking ration. At present, it is the rule that whenever the card holder got the time, he used to go to the Kotedar’s shop and get ration. But doing so now can cause harm. The government has changed the method of distribution of ration and the timing of opening of ration shops.

15 crore ration card users in UP

On the orders of the government, ration distribution is being done on the basis of ‘first come first serve’. That is, along with rice and wheat, millet will also be given free of cost to the first comer. In case of delay, only rice and wheat will be given to the cardholder. There are about 15 crore ration card users in Uttar Pradesh. The new rule will be effective for all of them. PHH and Antyodaya card holders are registered in the state. They are provided ration sometimes free of cost and sometimes at a cheap price by the government.

Ration will be distributed from 13 to 24 April

At present, free ration is being distributed to the card holders by the government. Ration distribution has now started in April. Ration will be distributed from 13 to 24 April under the new ration distribution of the government. Ration distribution will be given free of cost on the basis of ‘first come, first served’. In this, Antyodaya card holders will be given 14 kg wheat, 20 kg rice and one kg market. PHH people will get 2 kg wheat, 2 kg rice and 1 kg bajra. The quantity of rice will be increased when the market is over.

A change has also been made in the time of distribution of ration by the government. Now the ration shop will have to be opened from 6 am to 9 pm. With this everyone will be able to take ration comfortably. After this change, the daily wage earners of poor sections will get relief. Apart from this, there is also a provision from the government to get millet to the first comers. From now on, ration will be distributed every month between 13th to 24th.

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