Ration Card: 1.27 lakh ration cards have been cancelled here, has your name also been deleted?

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Ration Card : India is now at the top in the world in terms of population. With such a large population, many challenges come up and food security is one of these challenges.

With the objective of providing food security to the economically weaker people and to ensure that they do not face any kind of problem, the Government of India distributes food grains i.e. ration. Ration cards are made by the government to ensure proper distribution of ration. Many people get fake ration cards made in the greed of getting ration at a low price. At present, the Government of India is in the mood to take strict action against such people. Recently, ration cards of 1.27 lakh people have been canceled in a state of India. Let us know what the whole matter is?

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1.27 lakh cards were cancelled here

As we mentioned above, ration cards are issued only to those people who are needy and it is very difficult for them to earn their daily bread. On the other hand, many people want to get ration at a lower price by making fake ration cards, which is wrong. Taking action against such people, ration cards of 1.27 lakh people have been canceled in Jammu and Kashmir.

Will have to apply again

For your information, let us tell you that after the ration card is cancelled, you will have to apply again and get a ration card. Many times when ration cards of many people are cancelled at once, the cards of the beneficiaries also get cancelled by mistake. If this happens to you, then you should immediately apply and get a new ration card.


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