Railway ticket cancellation Refund Rules: Get full refund on cancellation of train ticket, due to these 2 reasons railway returns full money

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According to railway rules, if the train is canceled due to any reason or is running late for 3 hours or more, then the passenger can get the full refund by canceling the ticket. Let’s know how?

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Indian Railways gives full refund to the passengers for cancellation of tickets due to cancellation of trains or running late. However, most travelers are not aware of this. Since many parts of the country are in the grip of rain at this time and in such a situation, road to rail traffic has been badly affected.

Due to rain in North India, some trains have been canceled while many trains have been diverted. Because of this, the passengers are facing trouble. If you also want to get full refund by canceling the train ticket at such a time, then for this you have to follow a small process.

As per railway rules, you are entitled to a full refund of your ticket if your train is late by 3 hours or more. In this case you can cancel the ticket. For over the counter tickets, it is advised to visit the reservation counter for cancellation of tickets. If you have bought your ticket online through IRCTC, follow the cancellation steps given on the website.

File TDR Online: If your train is consistently late after chart preparation, file TDR for cancellation of ticket. Login to the IRCTC website and follow the steps required to cancel your ticket.

Apart from this, if any train is canceled by the Indian Railways, then the passengers get a full refund through an automatic process. The amount of e-ticket purchased online comes to the bank account within 3 to 7 days. For PRS (Passenger Reservation System) counter tickets, passengers will have to take refund from the concerned PRS counter. To claim this refund, passengers will have to surrender the ticket within 3 days of the scheduled departure of the train.

IRCTC had earlier announced that passengers should not independently cancel tickets for canceled trains, as they would automatically receive a full refund. When a train is cancelled, the Railways does not charge any fee. Remember that these rules are applicable only if the train is delayed or canceled due to bad weather or other unavoidable reasons. In case of cancellation of ticket due to personal reasons, separate procedure has to be followed.

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