Railway Service Closed: Online and offline reservations and 139 service will be closed tonight in Delhi

Railway passengers
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New Delhi. If you are planning to travel by train, book your tickets immediately. Due to technical reasons, online and offline reservations and 139 service will remain closed tonight in Delhi. Due to this, there will be no reservations of any kind. Indian Railways has given prior notice in this regard keeping in mind the convenience of passengers.

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Northern Railway’s Chief Public Relations Officer Deepak Kumar said that due to technical (data compression) reasons, all services of Delhi PRS such as reservation, cancellation, charting, enquiry service (139 and counter service), internet booking services will be affected. Off and online services will remain closed for about 4.30 hours from 11.45 pm on July 19 to 4.15 am on July 20.

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Due to this, the services of all trains related to Delhi PRS will remain closed. PRS services are operated from five cities in the country. One of these is Delhi PRS.


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