Railway Parcel Booking Rules: Get a box pack vehicle from your home by train, check rules and charges

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Indian Railway Transport: Many people want to send their new or old bike from one place to another. In such a situation, the biggest problem in front of those people is how to send their bike 400-500 kilometers or more. For this they use transport.

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In this too, transport facility is not available in many places. Apart from this, there is also the fear that if the bike comes by private transport then there may be some problem in it. To avoid all these hassles, you can use the service of railways.

There are two ways to transport

Indian Railways provides two facilities to transport any goods. In this you can make booking for luggage or you can make booking for parcel. Luggage means that you are traveling yourself and carrying your belongings with you. Talk about parcel, it means that you want to send the goods to the place of your choice, but you are not traveling.

How to book for parcel

For parcel booking you have to visit the nearest railway station. You can get information about this facility from the parcel counter there. After getting the information, prepare all the documents and keep in mind that there you will have to take both the original copy and the photocopy because the original copy is asked for verification. Before parceling, railway employees will check the tank of your bike.

How much will be the rent?

If any goods are sent by railway, then the freight is calculated according to the weight and distance. Let us tell you that if you want to transport a new or old bike at a low cost, then railways is a better option. The charge for luggage is charged more than the parcel. If you want to send the bike up to 500 kms, it will cost around Rs.1200. Apart from this, packing charges of Rs 300 to 500 can be charged from you.

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