Railway changed the train time table! Check before booking tickets, time table of these trains has changed

Indian Railways
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This news is special for those who wish to visit Gujarat. There has been a change in the time table of some trains running from Ahmedabad, the most famous city of Gujarat. In such a situation, before booking the ticket, you should check the details of all these, do you know if you want to book ticket in any of these trains.

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Time table of these trains changed at Ahmedabad railway station

There has been a change in the time table of 4 pairs of trains connecting Ahmedabad station. These also include trains connecting Ahmedabad to Jodhpur and Mumbai. Indian Railways has made minor changes in the arrival and departure timings of Jodhpur-Bandra Terminus-Jodhpur, Valsad-Jodhpur-Valsad, Bandra Terminus-Bhagat Ki Kothi-Bandra Terminus Ahmedabad stations.

  1. Train No. 12479, Jodhpur – Bandra Terminus train will run at 03.20/03.25 in the morning instead of its scheduled arrival/departure timings of 03.25/03.40 at Ahmedabad station with effect from 15.02.23. Similarly, train number 12480 Bandra Terminus – Jodhpur will leave Ahmedabad station at 08.25/08.30 instead of its scheduled arrival/departure time of 08.25/08.35 from 14.02.23.
  2. Train number 19055, Valsad-Jodhpur will leave Ahmedabad station at 11.50/11.55 in the night instead of its scheduled arrival/departure time of 11.50/11.59 from 14.02.23. Similarly, Train No. 19056, Jodhpur-Valsad will run late night at 03.00/03.05 instead of its scheduled arrival/departure time of 03.10/03.25 at Ahmedabad station from 16.02.23.
  3. Train No. 20943, Bandra Terminus – Bhagat Ki Kothi will depart Ahmedabad station at 05.00/05.05 AM instead of its scheduled arrival/departure time of 05.00/05.10 AM with effect from 17.02.23. Similarly, train number 20944 Bhagat Ki Kothi-Bandra Terminus will leave Ahmedabad station at 12.35/12.40 in the night instead of its scheduled arrival/departure time of 12.35/12.45 from 18.02.23.
  4. Train No. 22965, Bandra Terminus – Bhagat Ki Kothi will leave Ahmedabad station at new timings of 07.25/07.30 in place of its scheduled arrival/departure timings of 07.25/07.35 with effect from 18.02.23. Similarly, train number 22966 Bhagat Ki Kothi-Bandra Terminus will leave Ahmedabad station from 19.02.23 at 03.00/03.05 instead of its scheduled arrival/departure late night time of 03.10/03.25.
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