Property Ownership Law : What is the difference between nominee and heir, know who is the real owner of the property

Property Ownership Law : What is the difference between nominee and heir, know who is the real owner of the property
Property Ownership Law : What is the difference between nominee and heir, know who is the real owner of the property
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Often people are confused between nominee and successor, today we are going to tell you through this sentence the difference between nominee and successor, there is a lot of difference between nominee and successor.

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The nominee is nominated for a specific purpose. At the same time, the heir is usually the child of the person or his wife, let us know the complete information related to it.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had recently asked banks to enter the name of the nominee in the accounts. Due to lack of nominee, crores of rupees are lying unclaimed with the banks.

Actually, the money of the account holder who dies is transferred to the nominee (Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman). In such a situation, a question arises whether only the nominee is the property officer of the account holder’s property after his death. If so, then who are the successors or heirs?

Today we will talk only about the difference between nominee and successor. A nominee is created for a specific purpose. This can be made by anyone. Successors are generally members of the dynasty or family, but if a person wishes, he can appoint a person outside the family as his successor as per his wish.

The main difference between these two things is that if the name of the nominee is not registered, the bank cannot automatically declare anyone as the nominee. However, even if a person has not decided his successor, his children, wife or mother can inherit his property.

And what is the difference

As we told that nominees are made for a specific purpose and apart from that thing, they do not get any rights on any other property of any person. If a person makes someone the nominee of his bank account, then after his death that nominee will have rights only on the transactions or money of the bank account.

The nominee will not have any right on any other property. Successor is mentioned in the Hindu Succession Act 1956. All the property of the deceased is legally handed over to the heir.

More than one heir

If there is no nominee, then the property is distributed equally among the heirs of the deceased account holder. Even if an heir is already decided, this money will be divided equally among all the heirs.

There are two types of successors. Class 1 successors and Class 2 successors. Class 1 heirs include mother, widow, wife and son and daughter. Father is Class 2 successor category. The first right on a person’s property lies with his Class 1 heirs.

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