Difference between lease and registry: There are different types of land lease. This is such land which is owned by the state government or the central government and this lease is for a fixed limit. Therefore, before buying any land, it is important to know about the lease and registry. Let us know about it in detail.
You must have heard both the words lease and registry many times. But very few people have correct and concrete information about it. Due to lack of information, people buy such land only to regret it later. Therefore, before purchasing any house, house, shop or land, it is important to have complete information about it.
People want to do proper research before purchasing any land. This is a very expensive and long-term deal, so people do not want any mistake to happen here. Let us tell you that there are three types of land documents in which there is always doubt regarding the leased land.
The remaining two lands are those of registry and notary and there is not much fear or doubt in purchasing them. Today we will tell you about these three in detail and know whether it is right to buy leased land or not.
People who deal in buying and selling land know what leased land is. Or it is common for those people who have got land on lease. There will be no owner of the leased land. The owner is the government. But the one who has got the land on lease can definitely use it in his own way.
Who is the owner of the leased land?
Let us tell you that according to the new scheme, lease is given to the people by the government. Some assistance is provided to landless families under leases given by the government. No particular person has any right on the leased land. Therefore, only the government has authority over it. The government leases this land to poor families to fulfill some purpose, but it does not at all mean that the person is the owner of the land.
The leased property cannot be sold or transferred to any other person. This facility is not provided in it. Under this, this facility depends on the type of lease available to the person. Under this, the person has to get it approved again according to the prescribed time limit and following the prescribed procedure, here it has to be renewed.
The lease is issued by the local body as per the parameters and conditions set by the government. The lease depends on different types of rules set by the government. There are many types of leases, the duration of which is as per the rules set by the government.
Registered property
Upon registration, the buyer gets the right to transfer or sell his property. Both sellers and buyers are included in the registry. Along with this, a witness is also required in the registry. Once registered, repairs and maintenance are the responsibility of the buyer. After registration, the buyer becomes the owner of that land forever. No other person has any right on it.