Important documents of property – Whenever you buy a new house or land, you get it registered to prove your ownership rights. But most of the people have less knowledge about the documents related to property.
Due to which they feel that by registering the property they get ownership rights. But this does not happen. For your information, let us tell you that after registration, it is very important to have this document (Property Document) to claim ownership of the property. Let us know in the news below-
why mutation is important of property – Registry may be a very important document regarding house and land but it does not ensure you getting ownership of the property. Often people become relaxed after getting registered. Even while buying property, he focuses most on the registry papers. However, getting mutation done is as important as registry. Mutation means name change.
If you think that the property will become yours just by getting it registered, then you are mistaken. To avoid any kind of problem in future, it is important that you check its mutation. You should also know that sale deed alone does not constitute transfer of name.
Without transfer of name the property is not in your name
Sale deed and mutation are two different things. Generally people consider sale and mutation to be the same. It is believed that registration has been done and the property is in one’s name whereas this is not correct.
Unless any property is transferred, no person can consider it as his own even if he has got it registered. Still, the property is not considered his because the name is transferred to another person.
How to get name transfer done?
There are mainly three types of real estate in India. First is agricultural land, second is residential land, third is industrial land. Along with this land, houses are also included. Transfer of name of all these three types of lands is done in different ways at different places.
Whenever any property is purchased through sale deed or acquired through any other means, then one should present at the concerned office along with that document and get the property transferred.
Where do you get complete information from?
The land which is registered as agricultural land, the transfer of such land is done by the Patwari of that Patwari Halke. How to transfer residential land? The records of all the documents related to residential land are with the Municipal Corporation, Municipality, Municipal Council of that area or Gram Panchayat in case of a village.
The record of industrial land is kept in the Industrial Development Center which is located in every district. This should be checked by visiting such Industrial Development Center.
Before buying property, definitely check these documents –
When any person buys a property, he invests a huge amount of his hard-earned money in it. In such a situation, it is important to thoroughly check the validity of the property being purchased.
Advocate Sanjay Mehra of Madhya Pradesh High Court says that if you are buying property in a township and all the banks there are giving loans, then understand that there is no big risk there, because banks give loans in any township only when the local government is there. Title (ownership) and search is cleared. Despite this, a person must verify some things at his level. Today we are telling you what things you should keep in mind while buying any property.
Check Link Documents
If you are buying any property, first check its link document. That is, see how many times the property has been bought and sold till now. You will know this from old registries. Take a copy of the old registry from whoever you are buying the property from.
Then see whether the details in all the registries are linked to each other or not. Check the identity proof of the person selling the property to you and match it with the documents. Take a copy of the power of attorney from the property seller.
land record information
Check the records of the land you are buying. If you are buying agricultural land, then information about its documents will be available from the Revenue Department of the State Government. Find out the Khasra number of the land. You will get all the information related to land from Khasra number.
If you are buying land to build a house, then first find out whether the land where you are buying has residential permission or not. If the property is commercial or industrial then do not buy land there because you will not be able to build a house there.
If you are taking it in township then see these documents
If you are buying property in a township then check the land use. Check whether there is Town and Country Planning permission or not. Whether the map is passed by the local authority like Municipal Corporation or not.
The most important thing is to check whether the colony in which you are buying land is legal or not. Many people think that if the government registers the property then it will be legal but experts say that it is not so. While doing registration, the government examines only from the revenue angle. It is the responsibility of the person purchasing the property to check whether a property is legal or not.
It is necessary to give notice in the newspaper
Before purchasing property, a clear notice must be given in the newspaper. Often people ignore it, but giving clear information strengthens your case. In such a situation, if any dispute arises in future regarding property, you can present your stand strongly in the court. Similarly, it is also necessary to register the agreement. Nowadays this is done with the registry itself. Many people do not get the agreement done. Failure to do so leaves you legally vulnerable.
How come there are 2-3 registries at one place?
Before buying land, it should be kept in mind that land registration is done differently in villages and cities. More cases of fake registration are seen in cities than villages. In cities, sellers often buy large pieces of land and plot it. This is where the game of fraud begins. To avoid this, some precautions must be taken.
How does fraud happen?
After land registration, the most important task is to file the mutation i.e. transfer of name. This work should be done within 2 to 3 months of registration. All the fraud happens during this period.
Since the first buyer of the land has not filed the mutation, the name of the old owner remains in his Khatauni. Now the same land is shown to another buyer and then sold and even before his filing is rejected, money is collected by registering it in the name of a third or fourth person.
Check this document before buying land
Whenever a builder buys a land, it has a Gata number. No matter how many pieces a builder creates a plot by dividing the land into, its Gata number remains the same. That means, the number of 20 plots will be different, but the Gata number of all these plots will remain the same.
Buyers can check Khatauni from Gata number. Earlier, whenever we needed Khatauni, we had to go to the Revenue Department. But now this facility has become online. The Revenue Department has made information related to land records available online.
Therefore, whenever you want to buy a plot, before buying it, first get its Khatauni and go to the registrar office to find out whether this land has been sold to someone or not. Apart from this, as soon as you get the land registered, definitely get its registration rejected after the stipulated time. With this, your name will be registered in Gata Number and Khatauni and it cannot be forged.