PPF Scheme: By depositing Rs 12,500 every month, you will get Rs 40.68 lakh on maturity

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Public Provident Fund: Keeping the savings money deposited in the bank is not a very good option. You should invest your savings in some good schemes from where there is a good possibility of getting returns.

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Most of the people in the country look for safe investment options, which provide a fixed return and there is no risk of market risks. If you are also looking for such a scheme. In such a situation, this news is especially for you.

Today we are going to tell you about the Public Provident Fund Scheme. By investing Rs 12,500 in this scheme, you can collect a fund of Rs 40.68 lakh at the time of maturity. Public Provident Fund is one of the popular savings schemes of the country. The PPF investment scheme is offered by the central government. In such a situation, the returns received from here are completely safe.

You can invest in PPF for 15 years. A minimum of Rs 500 and a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh can be invested in this scheme. At present, an interest rate of 7.1 percent is being given on investing in this scheme. Based on the current interest rate of 7.1 percent, if you save Rs 12,500 every month and invest Rs 1,50,000 every year in the Public Provident Fund.

In such a situation, at the time of maturity after 15 years, you will be able to collect a total of Rs 40,68,209. You will have to invest a total of Rs 22,50,000 during the investment period. You will get a total interest of Rs 18,18,209 on your investment.

In such a situation, after 15 years you will have a total of Rs 40,68,209. With the help of this money, you can fulfill your daughter’s marriage or other future related purposes.

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