Post Office Scheme: Women can become millionaires by investing in this Post Office scheme for just 2 years.

Post Office Scheme: Women can become millionaires by investing in this Post Office scheme for just 2 years.
Post Office Scheme: Women can become millionaires by investing in this Post Office scheme for just 2 years.
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If women want to get good returns in a short period, then they can get strong returns by investing in Post Office Women Saving Scheme.

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Mahila Samman Saving Certificate: सरकार ने महिलाओं की जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए साल 2023 में महिला सम्मान सेविंग सर्टिफिकेट स्कीम लॉन्च किया था. यह एक छोटी बचत योजना है, जिसमें आप कुल दो साल के लिए पैसे निवेश कर सकती हैं.

Mahila Samman Saving Certificate: Keeping in mind the needs of women, the government had launched Mahila Samman Saving Certificate Scheme in the year 2023. This is a small savings scheme, in which you can invest money for a total of two years.

This scheme has been specially designed for women, in which the maximum amount of investment has been fixed at Rs 2 lakh.

Under this scheme, women can open an account for two years.

Under Mahila Samman Saving Certificate Scheme, the benefit of interest rate of 7.50 percent is available on the amount deposited.

इस स्कीम के तहत निवेश करके महिलाएं आर्थिक रूप से आत्मनिर्भर बन सकती हैं. योजना के तहत 10 वर्ष या उससे अधिक की महिलाएं योजना में निवेश कर सकती हैं.

By investing under this scheme, women can become financially self-reliant. Under the scheme, women of 10 years or more can invest in the scheme.

महिला सम्मान सेविंग सर्टिफिकेट के तहत 2 लाख रुपये जमा करने पर आपको दो साल के बाद 2,31,125 रुपये मिलेंगे.

By depositing Rs 2 lakh under Mahila Samman Saving Certificate, you will get Rs 2,31,125 after two years.

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