Post Office Franchise: Open post office franchise by depositing 10 thousand rupees, income will keep coming every month

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Post Office Franchise Scheme: India Post is committed to fulfill the responsibility of universal service for postal facilities across the country. India has the largest postal network in the world, with more than 1.55 lakh post offices. 89% of these post offices are in rural areas and yet the demand for post offices remains. There is a continuous demand from customers to open more post offices and the demand is especially high in newly developing cities. In order to meet this demand, a new franchise scheme is being launched from 1 February 2024 to set up post office franchise outlets.

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Will these services be available in franchise outlets?

  • Booking of Inland Speed Post, Non-COD (Documents and Parcels), Inland Registered Letters, E-Money Orders
  • Sale of postage stamps and stationery
  • Retail services including sale of revenue stamps, Central Recruitment Fee stamps etc.
  • Acting as direct agent for postal life insurance products and providing related after sales service including collection of premium.

How to become a franchisee?

10th class passed from a recognized school. A person having good knowledge of local language and English who is computer literate, has working knowledge of smart phone and has a valid PAN number can apply to become a franchisee. The applicant will have to deposit only Rs 10,000/- as security deposit in the post office.

Commission to the franchisee?

Franchisees will earn commission in this way. Rs 3.00 for each registered letter, Rs. Rs 5.00 for each money order of value above Rs 200/- and commission of 5% on sale of postage stamps and stationery. The commission rate for booked speed post items is very attractive and the franchisee will get a profit of 7% to 25% of the monthly business done by him.

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