PM Kisan Scheme Update: The 12th installment of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi has been transferred to the accounts. Now the government will transfer the 13th installment to the farmers’ account. At present, before giving the 13th installment, the government has given a big update for the farmers.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi: The 12th installment of the Prime Minister’s Kisan Samman Nidhi has been transferred to the accounts. Now the government will transfer the 13th installment to the farmers’ account. At present, before giving the 13th installment, the government has given a big update for the farmers. If the farmers do not follow these new rules, then the money of the 13th installment will not be transferred to their account.
2 crore farmers did not get the money, let us tell you that about 8 crore farmers of the country have got the money of 12th installment. At the same time, money has not been transferred in the account of 2 crore farmers yet. If you want that the money of your 13th installment does not get stuck, then you should follow this important rule for that.
Soft copy of ration card will have to be given The government has told that it is necessary for farmers to give soft copy of ration card for registration. Along with this, eKYC is also necessary. Even without this, farmers will not get the money for the 13th installment.
Earlier these documents had to be submitted, till now farmers had to submit hard copy of Khatauni, Aadhar card, bank passbook and declaration form to get their registration done. Now this process is over and only soft copy has to be submitted. Now farmers’ time will be saved and transparency will also increase with this rule. Many farmers have not yet received the money for the 12th installment.
You can contact on the helpline number –
PM Kisan’s helpline number – 155261 or 1800115526 (Toll Free) or can be contacted on 011-23381092. Apart from this, you can also mail your complaint on the e-mail id ( [email protected] ).