PF Pension Rules Change: EPFO ​​has issued new rules! Now employees will get higher pension

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There is good news for EPFO ​​subscribers. Now more money will come in your account. In fact, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has issued a circular regarding higher pension for eligible employees, and has also directed local offices to implement it.

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In this circular, a big benefit has been given to the employees. Under this, higher pension will be given to the employees. For this, the employees have to apply online. Let’s know about it.

Who will get higher pension?

The EPFO ​​issued a circular to the Supreme Court on December 29 stating, ‘Employees who have compulsorily contributed higher wages under the Provident Fund (EPF) scheme and higher wages before retirement Chose the option of pension (Higher Pension Option), but his request was clearly rejected by EPFO, he will now get higher pension.

Apart from this, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) says that the members who had contributed for pension on a salary exceeding the salary limit of Rs 5 thousand or Rs 6 thousand 500 and opted for higher pension, will also get this benefit. will get. According to the EPFO ​​circular, employees after this order will not be eligible under the Higher Pension Scheme.

Eligibility for Higher Pension

1. Option proof under para 26(6) of EPF scheme
2. Para 11(3) proof attested by the employer
3. Deposit proof
4. Pension fund deposit on salary in excess of Rs 5,000 – 6,500 limit Proof of
5. APFC Proof

Apply like this (Apply For Higher Pension)

For this, you go to the local office and apply for pension.
After filling the application form, take the relevant documents along with you.
Fill the application form according to the instructions given by the commissioner.
– If a mistake is found in the verification, then the application can be canceled.

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