Personal Loan : Where to get personal loan at low interest rate? These 10 top banks are offering offers

Personal Loan : Where to get personal loan at low interest rate? These 10 top banks are offering offers
Personal Loan : Where to get personal loan at low interest rate? These 10 top banks are offering offers
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Personal Loan: When faced with a sudden shortage of money, many people turn to personal loan to meet their immediate needs.

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However, personal loans generally come with higher interest rates. Higher interest is because this loan is available immediately and one does not have to bother with many documents.

It is especially easy for salaried employees to get personal loans. The required documents usually include salary slip of last three months, bank details and identity proof like driving license or Aadhaar card.

Before taking a loan from a particular bank or institution, you should explore other options for your needs. Generally, lenders offer loans at lower interest rates to borrowers with higher credit scores, while borrowers with lower scores have to take loans at higher rates.

Check, which bank is giving loan at what interest rate?

-HDFC Bank

10.75% to 24%


10.65% to 16.00%


11.15% to 11.90%

-Kotak Mahindra


-axis Bank

10.65% to 22%

-IndusInd Bank

10.25% to 26%

-Bank of Baroda

11.40% to 18.75%

-Punjab National Bank

11.40% to 12.75%

-Union Bank of India

11.35% to 15.45%

-IDBI Bank

10.50% to 13.25%

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