Pensioner New Update: Is it mandatory to submit life certificate in November ?

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More than 44 lakh pensioners across the country get their pension from State Bank of India (SBI). To cover pensioners, SBI has created 18 Central Pension Processing Centers (CPPCs), where pension is sent electronically.

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To avail pension through State Bank of India, a retired employee can open an account in any branch of the bank. Aadhaar number, PAN number, mobile number and email_id (if available) are the basic requirements for opening an account. Pensioners are sometimes unable to go to the bank due to old age or illness.

To find solutions to their problems, pensioners want answers to some questions about which they are unable to know. Here we are going to answer some of the frequently asked questions of pensioners. State Bank of India (SBI) has given answers to these questions on its website.

How can pensioners get their pension slip?

Pension is sent to the account of pensioners at the end of the month. SBI pensioners can find out how much pension the pensioners are getting and what is included in it from their pension slip. The bank sends this slip to the pensioners’ email every month. Apart from this, pension slip can be obtained by pensioners from any pension payment branch. You can also download this slip from SBI’s pension website.

How can pensioners withdraw money if they are unable to sign or put their thumb impression?

In such cases, a pensioner can put a mark or imprint on the cheque/withdrawal form and tell the bank as to who will withdraw the pension amount from the bank on the basis of the cheque/withdrawal form. Such person should be identified by two independent witnesses. The person who is actually withdrawing money from the bank is asked to submit a specimen of his signature to the bank.

Can old, sick, physically handicapped pensioners who are unable to sign, open a pension account or withdraw their pension from the pension account?

A pensioner, who is elderly, ill or has lost both his hands and hence cannot sign, can put a signature or thumb/toe impression on the form for opening a pension account. While withdrawing the pension amount he may put the thumb/toe impression on the cheque/withdrawal form and the same should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the bank, one of whom should be a bank official.

Can a pensioner be allowed to operate his account by a power of attorney holder?
The account is not allowed to be operated by the power of attorney holder. However, acceptance of check book/ATM/INB facility for transferring money from the account is permitted.

Is it mandatory for pensioners to submit life certificate to the bank in the month of November?

It is mandatory for pensioners to submit life certificate in November. However, if a pensioner is unable to submit the Life Certificate to an Authorized Bank Officer due to serious illness/disability, the Bank Officer may collect the Life Certificate at the recording or by visiting the pensioner’s residence/hospital.

When does family pension start?

Family pension starts after the death of the pensioner. Family pension starts on receipt of the death certificate of the person shown in the PPO and the application from the nominee.

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