Pensioner Alert! Your monthly pension will stop, submit your life certificate from home in just one minute

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Jeevan Praman Patra For Pensioner: The Government of India has set some rules for pensioners. Which pensioners have to follow. In which they have to submit life certificate every year to prove that they are alive.

Every year there is a date for this. Before that date, pensioners have to deposit the life certificate in their bank. Otherwise, their pension stops. According to the government rules, pensioners aged 80 years and above have to deposit their life certificate in the bank. Now you can deposit your life certificate very easily from home. Let us tell you how.

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How to submit life certificate online

The Government of India has now given a big relief to pensioners. Earlier, pensioners of 80 years or above had to go to the bank every year to submit their life certificate. But now it can be submitted online from home. For this, pensioners have to visit the official website of the Government of India, . After this, you have to enter your Aadhaar card and information related to the pension bank account.

For biometric authentication, you have to go to the nearest common service center, bank or government office. But if the name of the pensioner is already registered in the system, then biometrics is not required to submit the digital life certificate. The work is done only with the Aadhar card. After the digital life certificate is submitted, a unique ID code comes on your mobile number. Using which, your life certificate can be downloaded from the website.

This is how you can deposit through face verification

For this, first of all you have to download Jeevan Pramaan app in your phone. After this, you have to enter Aadhar card number, phone number, email ID and other information in Jeevan Pramaan app. After this, an OTP will come on your mobile number and an OTP will come on your email ID. You have to enter both the OTPs.

After this, the app will ask you for permission for face scan. Which will be necessary for further process. After giving permission, you will have to proceed further for scanning. In which you will have to tick the box of ‘I’m Aware’ shown below. After this, the app will scan your photo and record it. After the process is completed, the proof of your submission along with the ID and PPO number will start appearing on the screen.

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