Pension Tracking Online! Now you will be able to track your pension payment easily, know how

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New Delhi: The Union Minister for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Dr Jitendra Singh has launched a single unified pensioners portal developed in collaboration with State Bank of India. The portal aims at ease of living for Central Government Pensioners. All the remaining 16 Pension Disbursing Banks will now start their integration with BHAVISHYA.

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BHAVISHYA 9.0 version is being released today with integration with pension disbursing banks. BHAVISHYA, a portal for pension payment and tracking system, is being integrated with SBI’s Pension Seva Portal and will enable pensioners to access all information and services at a single place with a single login.

On completion of all the steps of this integration retirees can select the bank and branch to open pension account online, check the status of their monthly pension slip, Form 16, Jeevan Pramaan as well as through future medium. You can change your pension disbursing bank from

BHAVISHYA has recently been rated as the third best portal among all service portals of the Government of India by the National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA). Dr Singh gave information about this.

He said that the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW) chose this end-to-end digitized portal as the Aadhaar portal for future integration, which would eventually become a single window for all central government pensioners. The following portals have now been merged with Bhavishya Window: CPENGRAMS, ANUBHAV, ANUDAAN, SANKALP & Pension DASHBOARD

The ‘Bhavishya’ platform was made mandatory for all Central Government Departments with effect from 01.01.2017 and at present the system is being successfully implemented on board with 7,902 DDOs including 815 attached offices in the Chief Secretariat of 97 Ministries/Departments .

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