There is some good news for patients suffering from serious rare diseases. Such patients will now get a monthly pension of Rs 2750 every month as financial assistance.
Faridabad DC Vikram Singh said in a statement released on Saturday that the Haryana government has taken a commendable decision in the interest of the patients.
In the interest of patients, it has been decided to give pension of Rs 2750 per month as financial assistance to the patients suffering from 55 rare diseases. DC Vikram Singh said that by making available the list of 55 rare diseases identified by the government on the website of the health department, active steps have been taken to give pension to the eligible patients.
Patients suffering from these diseases can register with the medical certificate on the website of the health department. District Medical Officer Dr. Vinay Gupta said that the Haryana government would provide financial assistance for the treatment of 55 rare diseases like Pompe disease, Du Ken muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy.
These patients will be given a pension of Rs 2750 per month by the Haryana government. Earlier, pension was given by the government only to the patients of Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Cancer Stage-3 and 4. Now 55 rare diseases have also been added to the list by the government.
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