Paytm launches NFC card Soundbox QR code payments Tap card service – check features benefits

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Paytm has launched a new NFC Card Sound box. This sound box will not need to be charged. Also, there will be no need to put a paper roll in it. Paytm’s Managing Director Vijay Shekhar says that this increases the cost of a merchant.

Therefore, we have come up with a system in which card payment will be done through QR Code and the sound box will also be in it.

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New soundbox launched

Vijay Shekhar further said that there is only one purpose behind launching this sound box. Shopkeepers can receive more payments at the lowest cost. That is why Paytm has launched a new sound box today.

Merchant’s expenses will be saved

Let us tell you, Paytm’s managing director says that the shopkeeper has to charge EDC. Also, he has to keep paper rolls. Due to this, his expenses increase and time is also wasted. There is also the cost of rental of the machine.

Will give payment notification in regional languages

Vijay Shekhar further said that all card networks work on Soundbox. Payment is done on Paytm Soundbox by tapping the card on the QR code – this is new in the payment system. Not only this…Soundbox will also give payment notifications in regional languages.

Use of new technology

Paytm has used Near Field Communication technology in this new soundbox. Vijay Shekhar has claimed that this is new in the market. The rent of this machine will be the same as that of a soundbox – merchants will be able to make UPI and card payments from the same machine. Apart from this, Paytm is launching customized QR code for merchants.


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