Old vehicles Sale & Purchase Rules Change: The government has changed the rules regarding the sale and purchase of old vehicles

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The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has made changes in the rules related to the sale of old vehicles. As much as the companies and dealers selling old vehicles will benefit from the new rules, the common people selling vehicles will also benefit.

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The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has made and implemented the rules related to this. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has made car dealers and companies responsible by changing the rules related to selling old vehicles. After the new order, only dealers registered with RTO will be authorized to sell and buy cars. New rules have been made to bring transparency in the pre-owned car market and to protect the common people from frauds.

To remove hurdles of transfer, disputes related to third party liabilities, difficulty in fixing defaulter, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has now amended Chapter III of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, to enable the pre-owned car market Regulatory eco-system can be created for this.

In this way the common man will be benefited

In this regard, transport expert Gurmatit Singh Taneja says that at present, companies or car dealers sign blank forms for vehicle transfer after selling the vehicle. After this, to whom is this car sold and till it is not sold, who uses it. The vehicle owner does not know about this. But according to the new rule, after selling the vehicle, the dealer or company will get the vehicle registered online. Means now the owner will not have any responsibility as soon as the vehicle is sold

The main provisions of the rules are as follows

Authentication has been implemented for dealers of registered vehicles to identify the genuineness of the dealers.

Also, the procedure for intimation of supply of vehicle between the registered vehicle owner and the dealers has been disclosed.

The rights and obligations of the dealers regarding the retention of the registered vehicle have also been clarified.

Dealers have been empowered to apply for renewal of Registration Certificate/Vehicle Fitness Certificate, true copy of Registration Certificate, NOC, transfer of ownership of vehicles in their possession.

As a regulatory measure, it has been made mandatory to maintain an electronic vehicle maintenance trip register, in which complete details of vehicle usage will have to be given. In this, complete information about destination, reason for going, driver, mileage, time etc. will have to be given.

These rules will be helpful in identifying and authorizing the dealers/intermediaries of registered vehicles. Along with this, fraud can be prevented in relation to the purchase and sale of these vehicles.

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