Old Pension Implemented: Good news for these employees! Know how much salary has increased?

DA Increased
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New Pension Scheme: If you or your family has a government employee, then this news will make you happy. There has been a demand from the Central and State Government employees to restore the old pension for a long time.

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In view of the demand of the employees, the old pension has been restored by some Congress ruled states. Last days, from April 1, a notification was issued to restore the old pension for the employees of the Himachal Pradesh government. Now the new salary of the state government employees has come in the account of the employees in May.

Employees got increased salary

The share of the New Pension Scheme (NPS) has not been deducted from the April salary given by the Himachal government in May. On the 1st of May, the employees got the increased salary. Till now, 10 percent of the salary was deducted from the salary of the employees towards NPS. Apart from this, 14 percent share is done in this item by the government. But the government has not deducted 10 percent money from the salary of the employees from the April salary and they have received it as salary.

Money was not sent to PFRDA for deposit, action was taken on behalf of the Himachal government as per the pre-determined system. That is, from April 1, 2023, the NPS share of any employee was not sent to the central government agency PFRDA for deposit. However, such employees who have not completed 10 years of service will not get the benefit of Old Pension Scheme (OPS). The situation regarding such employees is not yet clear. The money of NPS of these employees has also not been deducted from their salary.

NPS share was not deducted

In such a situation, the question is arising that when NPS share is not deducted from the share of the employees, then what will happen to their future? Depositing money in GPF for OPS has also not started. Let us tell you that before the Government of Himachal Pradesh, the old pension has been restored by the Government of Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Jharkhand. Some BJP-ruled states are also considering implementing the old pension in view of the elections.

What is the old pension scheme?

In this scheme, at the time of retirement, half of the salary is given to the employee as pension. The provision of General Provident Fund (GPF) has been given under the old pension scheme. In this scheme, the employee has the facility of getting gratuity of up to Rs 20 lakh. DA is increased after every six months. Under this scheme, the amount of pension is paid from the treasury of the government. On the death of a retired employee, his family members get the amount of pension as per rules. In this scheme, no amount is deducted from the salary of the employee.

What is New Pension Scheme?

The new pension scheme deducts 10 percent of the basic salary and DA. The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is completely based on the movement of the stock market. In this, to get pension after 60 years, 40 percent of the NPS fund has to be invested. That is, you get pension out of 60 percent money. There is no guarantee of pension after retirement in this scheme. Nor is there any facility for the relatives. There is no provision for increasing DA in this.

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