NSC Scheme : Nice scheme of Post Office… More than 7.7% interest and tax will also be saved on FD.

Post Office Scheme
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In the National Savings Certificate Scheme (NSC Scheme) of the Post Office, you are not only offered excellent interest on the money you invest, but you are also given the benefit of tax exemption on the investment amount under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. goes.

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Excellent returns and safe investment… These two things create the most turmoil in the minds of investors who want to invest while saving their hard-earned money. If you are also planning to invest, then Post Office Saving Schemes can be the right option in this regard. Schemes for every age group are being run by the government through the post office and one of the special schemes is National Savings Certificate i.e. NSC, in this scheme you get a handsome interest of more than 7 percent, along with the investment taxes. You can also save. Let us know about it in detail…

Popularity increased due to excellent interest rate

National Savings Scheme or National Savings Certificate (NSC) is one of the most popular small savings schemes of the post office due to its returns and benefits. This is the reason why the number of people investing in it is continuously increasing. Talking about the interest received by investors who open NSC account, it is currently 7.7 percent. Under the scheme, this interest rate is offered on the basis of compounding. In this, the interest amount is transferred to the account only after 5 years of investment.

More interest than bank FD

In fact, the interest rate being offered in this government scheme is generally higher than the interest available on fixed deposits (FD) in any bank. In most of the banks, FD interest rates are being offered around 7 to 7.5 percent. Every three months, the interest rates of small savings schemes of post office including National Savings Certificate are revised. The government itself guarantees the security of the investments made in it.

Will have to invest for 5 years

It is important to note here that if you want to take full advantage of the interest being offered, then you will have to continue your investment in this post office scheme till the lock-in period, all the interest will be paid to you in full. A lock-in period of 5 years has been fixed in NSC. In other words, if you open an account in this savings scheme and close it after running it for one year, then only the amount invested by you will be returned to you and you will not get a single penny of interest.

Tax exemption of Rs 1.5 lakh will be available

The post office offers 7.7 percent return on whatever money you invest in National Savings Certificate. So the second big advantage of investing in this scheme is that under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, the benefit of tax exemption on the investment amount is also given. By investing in NSC, you can save tax up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh in a financial year by claiming tax exemption.

Open account online or offline

In the NSC scheme, the facility to open an account in the name of children is also given. Under the rule, the account opened in the name of a child below 10 years of age is operated by his parents, whereas after completing 10 years of age, the child can control it. In this government scheme, you can open an account with a minimum deposit of just Rs 1000 and for this you can go to the nearest post office. Apart from this, online investment facility is also provided in it.

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