Now air tickets can be booked with AI, Air India brings new feature

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Now booking tickets for Air India passengers is going to be very easy. In fact, the company is going to use AI to simplify the process of booking tickets. The airline has launched a special feature called eZ for its passengers.

With the help of this feature, passengers will now be able to tell their travel plans to the AI ​​agent. With the help of this feature, booking flight tickets will become very easy for passengers.

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Air India’s AI agent will book your tickets: Air India says that the eZ booking feature acts as a travel agent that listens to all your travel needs and helps you create an itinerary based on that.

How will this feature help you in booking your flight tickets, let’s know.

Suppose you want to book your first flight from Delhi to Kolkata, then you will have to give the command to the AI ​​agent to tell the details of the first flight from Delhi to Kolkata. Based on your command, the eZ system will show you the available options within a few seconds. This means that now you don’t have to work hard to book tickets, just hand over this task to your AI agent. If the passengers are not happy with the results of the AI ​​agent, they can customize their itinerary. Passengers can give commands to the AI ​​agents through text or voice, and can also edit them.

This feature is for Maharaja Club members

According to Air India, currently only their Maharaja Club members will be able to avail this feature. Air India says that the EZ Booking feature will start working on the mobile website and mobile app in the coming weeks. The company claims that this feature, which is available on its official website, will provide a better experience to passengers.

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