New updates for lakhs of employees, service book will be ready, process started, know how to get benefits?

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Latest Update: There is good news for 4 lakh contractual employees of Bihar. After the decision of the state government, the work of preparing the service book of contractual employees like regular government employees has started.

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According to media reports, under this all the contract workers from the state government secretariat to the district offices. The database of state employees will be prepared. The responsibility of preparing the service book of the contract employees has been given to the concerned department and office. Separate nodal officers have been made for this in each department.

In this, the name of the contract worker in the service book, permanent address, father’s name, nationality, his details if he is from SC-ST, date of birth, Aadhar number, educational qualification, height, identification marks on the body, scheme- project name, contract There will be information about the period of employment etc., it will be updated every five years. Under this, a separate service book will be prepared for all contractual employees from district to department level. In this, a complete record of the leave taken from the employment will be kept.

According to media reports, for the service book, all the contractual workers will have to give the impression of the five fingers of the hand including the thumb under the prescribed format. The service book of all levels of employed personnel will have to be updated. All levels of contract employees in different departments of the state The number is about 4.50 lakh. In this regard, the General Administration Department has already issued orders related to this to the heads of all departments, Director General of Police, Divisional Commissioner and District Magistrate.

This service book will contain complete service related records of the employed personnel, which will be updated and maintained from time to time. It is mandatory for all departments to follow this. In this also all the information related to the personnel will be recorded. This will give many benefits to the employed employees and their complete data will also be available with the government. In 2022, the format was prepared and sent to all the departments.


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