New Traffic Challan Rule: Your challan can be deducted so many times in a day, know these rules or else…

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Along with the increasing population in the country, the number of vehicles on the roads is also increasing. In this fast-paced life, everyone is in a hurry to reach their destination on time.

Because of this, many times people do not hesitate to break traffic rules intentionally. Some people do not even know how much fine will be imposed for breaking traffic rules and how many times will it be imposed in a day?

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Due to lack of information, people assume that the challan is issued only once in a day, so once the challan is paid, they can break the rules as many times as they want on that day. But this is not true at all. Let us tell you that your challan can be issued many times in a day. It depends on which traffic rule you have broken.

You may have to pay the fine multiple times in a single day

According to the Motor Vehicles Act, if you break some rules, you can get only one challan in a day and if you break some rules, you may have to pay the fine multiple times in a single day. Let’s know which rules you may have to break once a day and which rules you may have to break multiple times.

Driving without a helmet It is mandatory to wear a helmet while driving. If you are driving without it, it means that you are violating the rules. But if you break this rule, you will have to pay the challan only once a day.


If you are caught in cases like overspeeding and crossing the red light, then you may have to pay the fine multiple times. That is, every time you break the rule, you will have to pay the fine that many times. Because once you break this rule, you can avoid repeating the same mistake again.

That is, if you repeat the mistake of overspeeding or crossing the red light even after making a mistake once, then you can be fined several times a day. Always follow the traffic rules not only to avoid challan but also for the safety of yourself and others.

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