New Labor Code: If you work 15 minutes more than the shift, then those who work for 180 days will get long holidays

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The Government of India is soon going to implement a new labor law in the country. After which the employee will be entitled to gratuity only after working for one year. At the same time, employees will get overtime if they work more than 15 minutes than the scheduled time.

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In the new labor law, a provision of four days of work and three days of leave will be given. According to the Labor Ministry, more than 31 states have accepted it. Most of the states have also made rules for this. According to sources, some states have raised objections on certain points, for which discussions are being held. However, it is not yet clear when the government will bring this law, but soon the new law will be implemented.

With the coming of the new labor law, employees will get three days off in a week. Employees must work 48 hours a week. During this, half an hour’s leave will also be available twice. If the company implements a 12-hour work shift, then it will have to give employees three days off in a week.

No night shift without the consent of women employees

Under the new law, if an employee had to take long leave, then he had to work for at least 240 days in a year, but now leave can be taken after working only 180 days. Women employees will not be forced to work in night shift without their consent.

PF and gratuity will be deducted more-

According to the new draft rules, the basic salary will be 50 percent or more of the total salary. With the increase in basic salary, the amount deducted for PF and gratuity will increase. In such a situation, after the implementation of the new rules, the salary will be less in the hands of the employee, but provident fund and gratuity will be more.

Final settlement in two days

After the new labor law comes, the full and final payment of the employees will be done in just two days. In case of leaving the job or getting fired from the job, all the money related process will be settled in just two days. At present it takes 45 days to complete the final payment.

If the negotiations between the union and the employer on any issue fail, it will be informed to the government and the matter will be sent to the tribunal. Employees will not be able to go on strike till the final decision is taken. In this, mass leave has also been kept in the category of strike.

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