New family pension rules: Employees will have to do this work compulsorily for pension after retirement, govt issue order

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Big news has come out for employees retiring from government or private services. In fact, the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare has said in one of its orders that the daughter’s name cannot be removed from the list of family members eligible for family pension of a government employee.

In the order, ministries and departments have been asked to strictly release all the retirement benefits received under Extraordinary Pension (EOP) as soon as possible to avoid interest payment.

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New family pension rules 2024

The memorandum issued – Daughters name is necessary in pension records govt issued order In the memorandum issued by the department, it is said that the daughter is considered a member of the family of the government employee when informed by the government employee in the prescribed format. Therefore, the daughter’s name will be included in the details of the family members.

Daughters name is necessary in pension records govt issued order According to a BusinessLine report, eligibility for family pension will be determined as per the rules after the death of the pensioner/family pensioner. According to the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, the family includes unmarried, married and widowed daughters, including step and adopted daughters. Despite this, clarification has been sought regarding the removal of the daughter’s name from the list of family members after retirement.

Daughters name is necessary in pension records govt issued order As per the rules, as soon as a government servant joins the service, he has to provide his family details, which includes information about his spouse, all children, parents and disabled siblings (regardless of their eligibility for family pension). Also, the government servant has to submit the updated details of his family along with his pension papers before retirement.

Daughters name is necessary in pension records govt issued order As per rules, a daughter (other than one suffering from mental or physical disability) is eligible for pension till she gets married or she remarries or she starts earning livelihood.  Unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters above the age of 25 years can receive family pension provided all other children in the family are either above 25 years of age or have started earning livelihood. If there is a disabled child, he/she will have the first right on family pension.

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