New Education Policy: Now graduation degree will be available in 4 years, 105 universities changed syllabus

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There has been a lot of change in the education system in the last few years. Till now most of the degree courses were of 3 years duration. But now to implement the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), the duration of these graduation courses is being changed to 4 years.

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UGC has given information in this regard. According to media reports, 4 year graduation policy is being started in 105 universities including 19 Central Universities (4 Year Graduation Plan, FYUP Curriculum). This change will be implemented from the new academic session. Before taking admission, you should also have complete information about this (Mission Admission).

These Central Universities will graduate in 4 years

Delhi University, Tezpur University, Aligarh Muslim University, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Vishwa Bharati University, Assam University, Central University of Jammu, Sikkim University, National Sanskrit University, Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, English and Foreign Language University, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Rajiv Gandhi University and Central Universities located in Haryana, South Bihar and Tamil Nadu will be studied for graduation in 4 years.

There are many advantages of 4 year degree

4 year graduate course (FYUP) has many advantages. In this, students will also have the option of multiple entry and exit. If a student leaves the college before 3 years due to some reason and is unable to complete his degree, then he should study again and will be given full facility to complete his degree. For your information, let us tell you that UGC has also included Option Based Credit System (CBCS) in the new education policy. 40 deemed to be universities, 18 private universities and 22 state universities have opted for the 4-year graduate course.

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