New BPL Ration Card List Released: New list of BPL ration card released, they got new ration card

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BPL Ration Card List : Ration card in the state of Madhya Pradesh is issued by the Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Govt. Food and essential civil supplies are provided by the concerned department to the citizens of Madhya Pradesh having ration card. Those who do not have ration card (New BPL Ration Card List), they can get it by applying online.

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Samagra Portal is an online portal of the Government of Madhya Pradesh which provides various online services to the citizens. Ration Card (New BPL Ration Card List) services are one of the services that are provided by this portal. Candidates can check Ration Cardholders List and other updates related to BPL, APL Ration Card.

In this post, we have provided all the necessary information related to Madhya Pradesh Ration Card like application process, how to check status, BPL and APL new list, eligibility requirements, required documents and other related information. is compiled. Those who are searching for MP Ration Card details must read the given article once.

Types of mp ration card

Three types of ration cards are issued in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The details about each type of ration card (New BPL Ration Card List) are shared as follows-

BPL Ration Card (Below Poverty Line) – BPL cards are issued to those citizens or families who live below poverty line and the annual family income is less than Rs.10,000/-. , Till now a total of 9668990 families have been registered as BPL families (New BPL Ration Card List) in Madhya Pradesh and around 32640 families have been removed from the list of BPL families.

AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) Ration Card- AAY cards are issued to the poorest families/citizens of the state who do not have any stable source of income.
APL (Above Poverty Line) Ration Card- APL cards are issued to those families or people who live above poverty line in the state of Madhya Pradesh and whose annual income is more than Rs.10,000/-.

How to Check List of BPL Ration Card List Check? 

Madhya Pradesh citizens can check the list of eligible families newly recommended for e-ration card prepared by DSO by following the simple steps given below-

  • Click on the given link- ( New BPL Ration Card List )
  • Click on the “List of newly eligible families by DSO” link given under the section “Services”.
  • Select the respective district and body from the dropdown list and click on the “Show family details” tab.
  • The list of families will appear.
  • Citizens can check the details displayed on the screen.
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