Ministry of Power has issued a notice! Your electricity connection will be disconnected tonight at 9 pm, check details

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Ministry of Powerissued Notice: A notice issued in the name of the Ministry of Power is being circulated on social media. It is written in this notice that your electricity connection will be disconnected tonight at 9 pm because your last month’s electricity bill is not updated.

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An officer named Devesh Joshi has been mentioned in the notice and it has been said that if you do not want to disconnect the electricity connection of your house, then contact Devesh Joshi immediately. A mobile number has also been given in the notice and it has been said that if your electricity bill is not updated, then call this number and get your electricity bill updated immediately.

Will your connection be disconnected if the electricity bill is not updated?

Due to this notice being circulated rapidly on social media, a lot of stir has started among the people. Actually, there is nothing special like updating the electricity bill, due to which there is a possibility of disconnection of electricity connection. But the people to whom this notice is reaching are very worried. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, the investigation of this notice started. Government agency PIB started investigating this notice.

PIB Fact Checkapproached the Ministry of Power

GDPFact Checkcontacted the Ministry of Power in this whole matter and tried to find out whether this notice is true or false. The whole truth came out in the investigation of PIB Fact Check. PIB Fact Check said that this notice circulating on social media is completely fake. PIB Fact Check posted a post from its official social media handle and said that the Ministry of Power has not issued any such notice.

What to do if you get such a notice

PIB Fact Check has also appealed to the people not to share their personal and financial information with anyone. If you have also received any such notice, then ignore it completely and do not forward it to anyone.

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